How Often Should You Get a Full Body Massage?

If you're looking for relief from pain, tension, or any other area, a full body massage is a great way to get it. But how often should you get one? According to Amey, a general recommendation is every 1 to 3 weeks. If you're dealing with a specific health condition, your massage therapist may recommend a different frequency and duration. For those dealing with pain, deep tissue massages can be requested daily, several times a week, or several times a month.

When starting out, it's best to begin with weekly sessions and then slowly increase the gap between each session as you begin to heal. Going at least once a month is recommended, but if you're dealing with severe pain, you may need to go as often as twice a week. It's important to note that the longer you wait between sessions, the more often you'll need to start the process of loosening your muscles because they will tighten if you don't go often enough. Different techniques such as deep tissue massage and stress massage can be used depending on your needs.

Janis Veino
Janis Veino

Hipster-friendly music enthusiast. Award-winning music fanatic. Professional zombie expert. Extreme pizza nerd. Freelance bacon enthusiast.